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Taxation (Direct & Indirect)
Tax compliance & strategies in respective industry results in transparent, hurdle less business environment. Managements have realized the tax as cost and can be constraint in giving the entity a competitive edge. Our tax management expertise alongwith experience in various industries across the globe is an added advantage to clients looking for tax management. Services includes...
  • Domestic
    1. 1. Corporate tax planning and consultancy
      2. Corporate tax returns & compliance
      3. Tax representation & administration.
      4. Search, seizure and survey proceedings
      5. Inetrnational taxation
      6. Personnel taxation
  • International
    1. 1. Tax planning and consultancy
      2. Consultancy on DTAA/ withholding tax
      3. Transfer Pricing transactions
  • Indirect Tax
    1. 1. Goods & Services Tax (GST ) migration, planning , consultancy & traning.
      2. Service Tax consultancy ,compliance and litigation .
      3.Value Added Tax & complience & consultancy.
      4.Custom & Excise consultancy ,compliance and litigation.

  • EXIM and Foreign Trade Policy
    1. 1.EXIM consultancy and audit
      2.FTP optimization exercise and consultancy
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